Our Services

  • Providing the central library with a wide range of printed and digital educational
    references and resources in various scientific fields.
  • Providing printed and digital student books from various publishers, whether through
    direct provision to the university or by securing sales outlets for students on
    campus or by selling through our website.
  • Assisting in the selection of curricula and educational contents by coordinating meetings
    between representatives of international publishers and academic affairs officials in the
    university and in various disciplines.
  • Issuing special editions of books bearing the university’s logo and containing the special
    scientific content decided by the university under the supervision of one of the
    international publishers specialized in this field to meet the needs of
    the preparatory years programs.
  • Providing comprehensive educational solutions that suit the special requirements of each of
    the university departments, including digital contents and learning management systems.
  • Instructor’s training.
  • Comprehensive supply contracts for all curricula and books approved by the university,
    with full compliance with the dates and conditions specified by the university.

Shipping Expertise

We understand that timely delivery is the key to meet the needs of our customers; And to ensure
the most practical and cost-effective delivery options, we have associated ourselves with a network
of shipping partners all over the world,
Through these partnerships, we provide reliable, cost-effective shipping to any place in the Kingdom.

Time of delivery for products ordered from U.S. and U.K. is within 4-8 weeks; and courier shipping is
always an available option to meet customers’ urgent purchasing needs.

Sales & Marketing Team

Our qualified sales representatives and academic consultants are fully dedicated
to make frequent sales visits to meet customers’ needs,
update them with all the latest trends in the educational fields, and help them choose new materials